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Symposium 2020

Day 1 Keynote Plenary

11:00 AM – 11:50 AM ET

Future of Education: Leapfrogging in a Time of Crisis

There is an opportunity and urgency for fundamental systems change in K-12 education across the United States. The context of teaching and learning has changed, but the systems in which they are situated have not. Now, more than ever, there is an imperative to leapfrog and create ecosystems for learning anytime and anywhere.

In this keynote, presenters will describe a macro approach for leapfrogging education inequity, the need for innovative future-ready teaching and learning, and the complex systems shifts that need to occur. Education transformation needs to occur in four dimensions: teaching and learning; recognition of learning; diversifying people and places; and harnessing technology. This keynote will draw on leading-edge research on strategies to realize that vision, from policy to innovative programs, to new ways of thinking about learning ecosystems that transcend education, communities, and the workforce. Join this conversation to hear from education leaders driving the transformation of education systems, accelerating breakthrough policies and practices, and creating broad learning ecosystems that advance equitable futures and create pathways for all youth.

  • Welcome and Opening – Susan Patrick, Aurora Institute
  • Leapfrogging Inequality: Remaking Education to Help Young People Thrive – Dr. Rebecca Winthrop, The Brookings Institution
  • Global Competence, Equity and Education Systems Change – Dr. Tony Jackson, Asia Society
  • A Promise for Equitable Futures: Enabling Systems Change to Scale Educational and Economic Mobility Pathways – Dr. Katherine Casey, imaginEDU

Plenary II

12:00 PM – 12:50 PM ET

Systems Change: Bright Spots in Driving Collective Change

Join this keynote presentation of bright spots — programs and initiatives from organizations driving innovations for equity at the local, state, and national levels — to accelerate education systems change. Be inspired by leaders as they share deep shifts in thinking to create more innovative approaches to address long-standing issues and tackle problems in novel ways. The session will highlight their work and offer snapshots to build knowledge on promising work across the field to support equity-driven, future-focused education.

  • Opening – Susan Patrick, Aurora Institute
  • The Power of Voice and Ownership in Designing for Equity and Excellence Oscar Santos, Center for Collaborative Education
  • Mastery Transcript ConsortiumStacy Caldwell, MTC
  • Future Workforce Now – Rachael Stephens, National Governors Association

Day 1 Breakout Sessions

1:00 – 2:00 PM ET

Anchoring the Educational Ecosystem – The Emerging Role of the Intermediary

October 26, 2020, 1:00-2:00 PM ET


Paul Leather | Gretchen Morgan | Ellen Hume-Howard | Rebecca Holmes | Tony Monfiletto


A Promise for Equitable Futures: New Research and Strategies for Advancing Universal Pathways and Ecosystems

October 26, 2020, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Dr. Katherine Casey


Creating High-Quality Professional Learning: Enabling Choice, Ownership, and More Focused Support

October 26, 2020, 1:00-2:00 PM ET


Beth Rabbitt | Juliana Finegan | Errika Baker | Kristen Watkins


Multiple Pathways Through Learning and Into Work: Innovations Youth Apprenticeship & Work-Based Learning

October 26, 2020, 1:00-2:00 PM ET


Taylor White | Martha Ross | Joyce Hwang


Making More Learning Visible: The Frontiers of Assessment and Credentialing

October 26, 2020, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Dr. Amelia Peterson


Designed to Thrive: Creating Culminating Assessment for Learning Experiences Wherein All Students Can Thrive

October 26, 2020, 1:00-2:00 PM ET


Alcine Mumby | Abby Benedetto


Advancing Equity in Classrooms, Schools and Districts through Assessment for Learning Practices

October 26, 2020, 1:00-2:00 PM ET


Ann Jaquith | Alec Barron | Pam Betten | Trish Liguori


Quality with an Equity Lens: In Pursuit of a Culturally-Sustaining School Quality Review

October 26, 2020, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Diana Lebeaux | Peter Piazza


Book Clubs: Meet the Experts with Authors

2:15 – 3:30 PM ET