CBE in Practice: Grading
Lots has been written about competency-based grading at CompetencyWorks throughout the years (see below for a short…
CBE Starter Pack 2: Meaningful Assessment
When educators begin to explore competency-based education (CBE), the CompetencyWorks Initiative is a key place to find…
Proving Your Learning Through Portfolio Presentations
As the school year wrapped up, I had the opportunity to participate in the 10th grade portfolio…
CBE Starter Pack 1: Students are Empowered Daily
When educators begin to explore competency-based education (CBE), the CompetencyWorks Initiative is a key place to find…
What’s New in K-12 Competency-Based Education?
As you head into the new school year, check out these resources and research from the first…
It Starts with Us: An Exploration of Teachers as Self-Directed Leaders
In the second year of a global pandemic, I decided to make a change: I transformed the…
A Ten Question CBE Reflection Tool
The Aurora Institute’s 2019 definition of competency-based education (CBE) includes a Frequently Asked Question section. One of…
Teacher Insights on Developing Competency-Based Practices in the Classroom
In the last of a four-part series, Tommy Wolfe shares how he has adopted competency-based practices in…
Scaffolds for Student Agency
Tommy Wolfe shares how he has adopted competency-based practices in his high-school science classroom. His first and…