A Higher Education Journey Toward Standards/Competency-Based Principles
In our work with school administrators who are leading innovative standards or competency-based initiatives, we are often…
In our work with school administrators who are leading innovative standards or competency-based initiatives, we are often…
This post was first published on the Next Gen Learning blog and at the Christensen Institute. With…
Originally appeared August 8, 2014 at the Christensen Institute. Even before MIT released its 213-page report earlier…
Disruption. The word is tossed around these days, and I always have to think about why disruption…
Competency education is a hot topic in higher education. (No worries about varied terminology in higher education….
The Maine Department of Education posted the following update on how colleges are responding to a proficiency-based…
Just in case you want to listen in to the House Education and the Workforce Committee hearings…
Does the NCAA allow online courses for high school athletes to be eligible for college? The short…
We all know higher education plays a big role in designing and institutionalizing competency education, including alignment…
This post was originally published on March 19, 2013 by the New America Foundation. The U.S. Department…