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Aurora Institute

Resources on Education Innovation

Working collaboratively with experts in the field, we publish reports and related resources on key topics and tough issues that equip and empower educators and leaders to catalyze and scale personalized, next-generation learning models.

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Issue Brief

State Funding Strategies to Support Education Innovation

June 2018

Susan Patrick, Natalie Truong, Maria Worthen

Issue(s): State Policy, Fund Innovation


A National Landscape Scan of Personalized Learning in K-12 Education in the United States

June 2018

Susan Patrick, Betheny Gross, Sivan Tuchman

Issue(s): Issues in Practice, Lead Change and Innovation, Rethink Instruction, Create Enabling Conditions for Competency-Based Education

Issue Brief

State Strategies to Develop Teacher Capacity for Personalized, Competency-Based Learning

February 2018

Susan Patrick, Dale Frost, Maria Worthen

Issue(s): State Policy, Develop Educator Capacity


Current to Future State: Issues and Action Steps for State Policy to Support Personalized, Competency-Based Learning

January 2018

Susan Patrick, Dale Frost, Natalie Truong, Maria Worthen

Issue(s): State Policy, Redefine Student Success, Create Meaningful Qualifications, Redesign Accountability Systems for Continuous Improvement, Build Balanced Systems of Assessments, Develop Educator Capacity, Create Pilots and Innovation Zones, Base Learning on Mastery Not Seat Time, Fund Innovation, Create Enabling Conditions for Competency-Based Education

CompetencyWorks, Report

Fit for Purpose: Taking the Long View on Systems Change and Policy to Support Competency Education

January 2018

Susan Patrick, Dale Frost, Natalie Truong, Maria Worthen

Issue(s): State Policy, Redefine Student Success, Create Meaningful Qualifications, Redesign Accountability Systems for Continuous Improvement, Build Balanced Systems of Assessments, Develop Educator Capacity, Modernize and Diversify the Educator-Leader Workforce, Create Pilots and Innovation Zones, Base Learning on Mastery Not Seat Time, Create Enabling Conditions for Competency-Based Education

Issue Brief

Rethinking State Accountability to Support Personalized, Competency-Based Learning in K-12 Education

December 2017

Susan Patrick, Natalie Truong, Maria Worthen

Issue(s): State Policy, Redesign Accountability Systems for Continuous Improvement, Build Balanced Systems of Assessments

Issue Brief

Redefining Student Success: Profile of a Graduate

November 2017

Susan Patrick, Natalie Truong, Maria Worthen

Issue(s): State Policy, Redefine Student Success

Issue Brief

Redesigning Systems of Assessments for Student-Centered Learning

November 2017

Susan Patrick, Dale Frost, Maria Worthen

Issue(s): Federal Policy, Create Space to Pilot Systems of Assessments, State Policy, Build Balanced Systems of Assessments, Issues in Practice, Create Balanced Systems of Assessments

Issue Brief

State Policy & K-12 Competency-Based Education

August 2017

Dale Frost, Maria Worthen

Issue(s): State Policy, Create Pilots and Innovation Zones, Base Learning on Mastery Not Seat Time, Create Enabling Conditions for Competency-Based Education

CompetencyWorks, Report

Fit for Purpose: Taking the Long View on Systems Change and Policy to Support Competency Education (DRAFT June 2017)

June 2017

Susan Patrick, Dale Frost, Natalie Truong, Maria Worthen

Issue(s): State Policy, Redefine Student Success, Create Meaningful Qualifications, Redesign Accountability Systems for Continuous Improvement, Build Balanced Systems of Assessments, Develop Educator Capacity, Modernize and Diversify the Educator-Leader Workforce, Create Pilots and Innovation Zones, Base Learning on Mastery Not Seat Time, Create Enabling Conditions for Competency-Based Education

CompetencyWorks, Report

Reaching the Tipping Point: Insights on Advancing Competency Education in New England

October 2016

Chris Sturgis

Issue(s): State Policy, Create Pilots and Innovation Zones, Create Enabling Conditions for Competency-Based Education, Issues in Practice, Learn Lessons from the Field

Issue Brief

Promising State Policies to Advance Personalized Learning

September 2016

Susan Patrick, Dale Frost, Susan Gentz, Maria Worthen

Issue(s): State Policy, Develop Educator Capacity, Create Enabling Conditions for Competency-Based Education


Promising State Policies for Personalized Learning

May 2016

Susan Patrick, Dale Frost, Susan Gentz, Maria Worthen

Issue(s): Federal Policy, Harness Opportunities in ESSA, State Policy, Build Balanced Systems of Assessments, Create Pilots and Innovation Zones, Create Enabling Conditions for Competency-Based Education

Issue Brief

Innovation Zones: Creating Policy Flexibility for Personalized Learning

March 2016

Susan Patrick, Susan Gentz

Issue(s): State Policy, Develop Educator Capacity, Create Pilots and Innovation Zones


The iNACOL State Policy Frameworks 2015: 5 Critical Issues to Transform K-12 Education

November 2015

Susan Patrick, Maria Worthen

Issue(s): State Policy, Fund Innovation, Create Enabling Conditions for Competency-Based Education


Performance-Based Funding & Online Learning: Maximizing Resources for Student Success

March 2015

Susan Patrick, Amanda Brown, John Myers, John Watson, Justin Silverstein

Issue(s): State Policy, Fund Innovation


Laying the Foundation for Competency Education: A Policy Guide for the Next Generation Educator Workforce

October 2014

Lillian Pace, Maria Worthen

Issue(s): State Policy, Develop Educator Capacity


The iNACOL State Policy Frameworks: 5 Critical Issues to Transform K-12 Education

October 2014

Susan Patrick, Maria Worthen

Issue(s): State Policy, Fund Innovation, Create Enabling Conditions for Competency-Based Education

CompetencyWorks, Report

Aligning K-12 State Policy with Competency Education

September 2014

CompetencyWorks, iNACOL

Issue(s): State Policy, Create Enabling Conditions for Competency-Based Education

Issue Brief

Fast Facts about Online Learning

October 2013


Issue(s): State Policy, Fund Innovation, Issues in Practice


OER State Policy in K-12 Education: Benefits, Strategies, and Recommendations for Open Access, Open Sharing

June 2013

Susan Patrick, TJ Bliss

Issue(s): State Policy, Create Enabling Conditions for Competency-Based Education


Blended Learning: A Wise Giver’s Guide to Supporting Tech-Assisted Teaching

April 2013

Laura Vanderkam

Issue(s): State Policy, Fund Innovation

CompetencyWorks, Report

Necessary for Success: A State Policymaker’s Guide to Competency Education

February 2013

Susan Patrick, Chris Sturgis

Issue(s): State Policy, Create Enabling Conditions for Competency-Based Education

Issue Brief

Statement of Principles for Model Legislation in States

July 2012


Issue(s): State Policy, Base Learning on Mastery Not Seat Time, Fund Innovation, Create Enabling Conditions for Competency-Based Education


Understanding the Implications of Online Learning for Educational Productivity

January 2012

Austin Lasseter, Linda Shear, Marianne Bakia, Yukie Toyama

Issue(s): State Policy, Develop Educator Capacity, Issues in Practice

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Over the last two decades, the Aurora Institute has driven the transformation toward student-centered, next-generation learning for K-12 education. During that time, the Aurora Institute published more than 200 reports and webinars in support of these efforts.